Our origin

You are not alone- together agains violence 

In March 2018, right after the failed ratification of the Istanbul Convention, independent media momichetata.com together with charities like Alliance for Protection from Gender-Based Violence, Animus Association Foundation, P.U.L.S. Foundation and the Bulgarian Fund for Women organised the campaign "You are not alone - together against violence". It formulated 5 demands to the Bulgarian state regarding the lack of will to fight domestic violence and succeeded. For the first time in Bulgaria, over 30 NGOs and madia outlets like Grazia, Slaveykov Square stood together. Over time, the campaign focused on developing a community of victims of violence through the FB group "You are not alone - together against violence", which organically grew to over 9,000 members becaming the main channel of communication for the NGOs working against domestic violence. From this group came the "You are not alone" Clubs, which won the prize "Person of the Year" award in the same year. The group continues togrow offering daily mutual aid and valuable advice to thousands of people affected by domestic violence.