Our advocacy
One of our main goals is to advocate on behalf of people affected by domestic violence in Bulgaria. This is what we've achieved so far:
We united 37 NGOs in an informal coalition "Together Against Violence"
We worked tirelessly with politicians and activists to achieve the latest progressive amendments to the Law for protection from domestic violence
We ran an awareness-raising campaign for people affected by violence, explaining in plain language the 10 key changes in the law
We're talking about the issue of domestic violence in our unique podcasts
We write and issue petitions, positions and declarations on behalf of people affected by domestic violence and in defence of the charity sector that works tirelessly for their rights
For our advocacy work we received the"Never give up" award by TimeHeroes
- For uniting the charity sector in a powerful coallition and successful advocacy we were acknowledged with the most prestigeous human rights award in Bulgaria "Human of the Year 2023" by the Bulgarian Helsinki committee